Vianočná dovolenka: Vážení klienti, v dňoch 28.12 až 31.12.2020 bude naša kancelária zatvorená. Prajeme Vám pokojné prežitie vianočných sviatkov. Our office at Račianská 88 B in Bratislava is open to clients every working day between 9:00 and 16:00 (on Wednesday until 18:00).
  +421 2 381 051 22
Slovak version

Legal services

Incorporation of corporations, registration into companies register, acquisition of trade licence, representation before Tax Office and another legal services are provided externally by Lawyer’s office. After previous agreeement, legal services can be provided in our spaces.

Filling of the deeds concerning legal acts and representation before public authorities, if provided systematiclly and if charged are considered as providing of legal services. According to legislation legal representation shall be provided in full extent by advocate.

The provider of legal services is the law firm DM LEGAL s. r. o. with its registered seat at Račianska 1579/88B, 831 02 Bratislava - Nové Mesto district, ID number: 50578120, registered in the Business Register of the Municipal Court Bratislava III, section Sro, insert no. 179571/B

Our clients are frequently using this legal services provided by Lawyer’s office:

Incorporation of limited liability company

The most frequently used corporate form in the Slovak Republic. Attractive because of low tax and public social and health insurance burden and legal confidence. Incorporation is possible by one natural person which is also capable of being an executive director.
Price: from 186.99 €
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Changes in the Business Register

In cooperation with the lawyer’s office we are providing vast spectrum of changes in companies. Submitting via electronic submission is lowering court fees and also saves time.
Price: from 120 €
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Trademark registration

In cooperation with a partner law firm, we will provide qualified protection of your brand with the possibility of registering a Slovak trademark, an EU trademark or an international trademark registration.
Price: from 250 €
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Personal consultation with advocate

If you are interested in consultation about legal situation of your company we offer you consultation with advocate. Advocate reward is stated as reward for hours needed to provide legal services, in simple tasks reward is calculated for each beginned quarter hour. Term of consultation shall be agreed in advance.
Non-binding price: from 25 € / for quarter hour

Spracovanie objednávok zabezpečuje obchodná spoločnosť Davis & Morgan advisory s.r.o. so sídlom Račianska 88 B, 831 02 Bratislava, IČO: 51 231 891, zapísaná v Obchodnom registri Okresného súdu Bratislava I, oddiel Sro, vložka č. 124803/B. Uvedené ceny sa nenavyšujú o DPH. Obchodná spoločnosť Davis & Morgan advisory s.r.o. neposkytuje právne služby. Spracovanie dokumentov a zastupovanie pred úradmi zabezpečuje zazmluvnená advokátska kancelária.