Vianočná dovolenka: Vážení klienti, v dňoch 28.12 až 31.12.2020 bude naša kancelária zatvorená. Prajeme Vám pokojné prežitie vianočných sviatkov. Our office at Račianská 88 B in Bratislava is open to clients every working day between 9:00 and 16:00 (on Wednesday until 18:00).
  +421 2 381 051 22
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Cookie Policy

Davis & Morgan a.s., Račianska 88 B, 831 02 Bratislava, Identification number (IČO) : 47 350 156, registered in the Business Register of the City Court Bratislava III, Insert no.: 5819/B as an administrator of a virtual office pursuant to §55 section 5 of the 351/2011 Z. z. Electronical Comunnications act is processing or transfering cookies to third parties to process due to increase of the services quality, marketing and for advertaising and statistic purposes.

For these purposes are permanent or temporary cookies processed or tranfered to third parties for processing.

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